i-FM i-FM B-Corp

Advertising & Sponsorship Ratecard

If you're in FM, you need to be on i-FM

i-FM is the leading online resource for UK facilities management professionals. Highly valued as a ‘one stop shop’ for relevant news and information, we have grown up with the industry, giving us a unique understanding of practitioners’ needs - whether client or provider, in-house or outsourced.

i-FM is essentially a daily information service for the industry - but it provides far more than news as it breaks. Readers also count on us for timely features, insightful commentary and of course the best jobs. Most visitors log on first thing to kick-start their day with the latest update!

Why choose i-FM to advertise?
There are two very good reasons:

1. To reach a highly targeted audience of facilities professionals right across the sector
2. To reach them regularly, time and again: i-FM users are loyal and log on frequently.

What options are available?

From sponsorship, through traditional banners to email broadcasting, we have a broad range of services to meet your needs.

Take a look at the information below for full details of all the options, as well as current rates and site metrics.

And please remember that we are always happy to discuss your objectives in order to tailor the best solution.

To discuss how we can help, please contact David Emanuel on +44 (0)7768 765 967.

Understanding the UK FM market

Many buyers prefer single-service contracts because they believe this gives them greater control over cost and quality. The benefits of integrated and TFM contracts still need to be sold to much of the market.

Competitive price is buyers' top concern still. Achievement of cost savings tops satisfaction criteria. Issues over unsustainable low margins on contracts have seen some of the largest FM providers breach bank covenants, be put under strategic reveiw or indeed go into liquidation.

Quality of personnel, tailored service and 'fit' are all vitally important to buyers. In addition to cost, it is clear that performance measurement of contracts is essential. Suppliers need to facilitate the decision through clear and effective communication. No company has a dominant brand position in any one service category still.

There are huge opportunities for suppliers to develop and implement brand awareness strategies throughout the sector.

Even the best-read magazines in the sector are most often described as read only just 'sometimes', and several FM publications / journals / yearbooks have ceased trading in the past few years.

Websites are accessed far more than traditional print, magazines, guides or yearbooks with i-FM leading the field in both numbers and users' assessment of value.

Reaching a highly targeted audience of facilities & property professionals. The highest-profile FM's with boardroom and budgetary influence. Visited by users most frequently - ensuring the visibility of your campaign. www.i-fm.net is the most looked at FM website, surpassing all competitors. Cost effective and successful advertising delivered in real time.

Rates and opportunites:

Site Sponsorship - £18,000
The best way to maximise awareness and generate leads for your company. This twelve month package puts your company right in front of your prospects - Facilities Professionals -straight from the home page.

Section Sponsorship - £12,000
Please enquire which sections are available.

Trends & Opportunities Report - £10,000
Click here to see the latest report

Technology in FM Award - £10,000 SOLD
The definitive industry award for the effective application of technology in FM. The award is presented each year at the Workplace Futures Conference.

Leaderboard Banner Advertising (728x90 pixels)
The classic way to advertise on the internet - simple yet cost effective.
£800 /month - £2250/quarter - £4300/six months - £7700 pa

Wide Skyscraper Banner Advertising
Create a big visual impact on the site.
£1000 /month - £2850 /quarter - £5400 /six months - £9600 pa

Email Banner Advertising
Choose from Headlines, Newsletter or Editorial Emails.
£350 per week or £1000 /month

Round Tables - £5,000
Let us facilitate a tailored round table event on your chosen topic to top industry heads.

Surveys - £5,000
Let us facilitate a bespoke survey on your chosen topic, developed hosted and promoted to the industry on www.i-FM.net and our social media platforms.

Suppliers Guide Listing - £500 pa
The emphasis here is on easy access to the information that FMs need in order to stay up-to-date with the marketplace – covering everything from tried and tested solutions to the latest innovations.

i-FM Suppliers Guide provides the perfect complement, focusing on products and services that will be of interest and value to all facilities managers.

View the supplier guide area.

Advertising on i-FM is now ZERO RATED VAT

User Licences:

Award winning daily market news delivered when you need it. Access to the unrivalled and fully searchable i-FM news archive of over 18,000 stories, plus 20 years of features and comments from leading industry experts. Plus market analysis, research and reports.

  • Sole Practitioner - Single User Licence: £545
  • Small Enterprise (< 25 staff) - 5 user licence: £1,500
  • Corporate - 15 user licence: £3,000
  • i-FM Licences are now Zero Rated VAT

i-FM lite is also available. Access to past 30 days news, but no access to archives or core market research or reports.

Click here to signup to i-FM and purchase your licence, for multiple access licences please contact david@i-fm.net

Site Metrics

The key metrics are the number of visitors coming to the site, how often they return, how many pages they look at and how long they stay - together with their seniority and purchasing power. Our metrics are unsurpassed by any other media in FM, which will ensure your message gets seen by those with influence.

  • Average visitors per month: 43,176
  • Average unique visitors per month: 31,126
  • Average page views per month: 132,996
  • Average session time: 5.06 minutes