i-FM B-Corp


This Week

The FM market: navigating challenges and driving growth

The UK FM market, a powerhouse in Europe, is set to reach £42.8bn by 2027.

This Month

Connecting the dots

We live in a world where droves of information and data are at our fingertips, containing limitless potential insights.

Why can’t we entice people back to the office?

Hybrid working is here to stay. We’ve all read the headline: as oversimplifying as it is, it’s still basically true.

Elevating the workplace experience

FM teams, and increasingly HR professionals, are at the forefront of creating productive, efficient and people-first workplaces.

A new lunchtime landscape

The workplace has evolved at a rapid rate over the past few years, undoubtedly supercharged by the pandemic.

This Quarter

How business reviews improve client relationships

FM buyers are investing in supplier relationships, and expectations are higher than ever.

Delivering energy-efficiency retrofits

To deliver effective energy-saving retrofits, FM professionals need to implement the most suitable solutions for their buildings. Stewart Little explains.

Starting Fresh: supporting employers and changing lives

To mark the first anniversary of its launch, Sean Haley explains how commitment from organisations and colleagues is plugging skills gaps and keeping lives on track.

Is FM bulletproof in 2024?

Things always come back around.  I asked the same question in 2017 when the tides of uncertainty seemed to be rising.

Maximise the impact of your data

Ever found yourself drowning in a sea of data, wondering if there's a way to make sense of it all?

Random thoughts

Something about emerging from the relatively intense conference development process always brings on a reflective frame of mind.  Indulge me.

The urgent need for better supplier communication

We’ve all noticed the dramatic decline in face-to-face meetings post-pandemic. For clients and their suppliers, this can be a problem.

Earn and learn: apprenticeships in FM

The trend is up, with more people looking to ‘earn while they learn’ and more organisations putting apprenticeship schemes in place.

Developing skills for life through an apprenticeship 

I’m in a unique position. An apprentice at Integral, I also help run the learning & development programmes that Integral apprentices go through.

There’s no ‘I’ in team

Or is there?  In a recent tribunal case one employee’s request to work full-time at home was rejected. Teamwork was a key factor.

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