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Digestives taste better with chocolate milk - official

Catering is often a big component of FM, and the newsdesk is pleased to provide the following information, which should help facilities managers to deliver a better service.

McVitie's has introduced an analysis technique normally used in the blending of perfumes into its food labs in order to produce a better biscuit.

The 'NoseSpace' machine has been adapted to measure the kinds of flavours released in the mouth and how long they last. Through a sampling process (you don't want to know how it works), optimum biscuit and beverage combinations have been defined.

After two months of research, we now know that:

  • Digestives (whether plain or chocolate) release 11 times more flavour with chocolate milk
  • Hobnobs release eight times more flavour with hot milk, and
  • Jaffa Cakes release seven times more flavour with orange juice or squash.

Value adding tip: scientists have determined that 'in-mouth dunking', that is when the drink is taken before the biscuit, releases the most flavour in every case.

The main course

A Mintel study of mid-day eating habits has found that, while the 'lunch hour' continues to diminish in length, the demand for packaged sandwiches is growing steadily.

The UK marketplace is said to be highly sophisticated, with an ever-increasing range of offerings. Nevertheless, nearly half the demand is still for the old favourites like cheese and bacon, prawn mayonnaise and egg.

Elliott Chase


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