News on 10 February
  Agreement on pensions for transferring employees

"Admission Agreements have put the final piece in the jigsaw of employee protection for those transferring from local government to outside service providers. This is a landmark in partnership," Norman Rose, Director-General of the Business Services Association, told a fringe meeting at the Labour Local Governance Conference in Blackpool on Saturday.

The meeting focussed on the achievements of the social partners (Government, public sector unions, BSA and CBI) in negotiating the new regulations for Admitted Body status within the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).

Chairman Jack Dromey, TGWU National Organiser, drew attention to the remarkable dialogue between the social partners over the past three years: "We may have our differences, but we share a united objective - never again will there be the old disastrous relationships between public and private sectors, or between the private sector and the unions, in a Dutch auction to pay the least to the fewest."

For the employers, Norman Rose reminded the audience of local councillors and union officials that the security of employees is vital, and that pensions will always be a crucial part of the equation: "The biggest fear for staff transferring from local authorities into the private sector has gone. They can now remain within LGPS. This is welcomed by contractors, local authorities and staff alike. The new Admission Agreements prove that social partnership works. We can achieve far more working together than apart."

GMB National Secretary Mick Graham agreed that pensions are a major issue: "This agreement was a landmark. Best value and quality services can only be achieved if people are treated with respect, and secure and adequate pensions are an important part of the picture."

Richard Byatt


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